The available core.Record
and its helpers
are usually the recommended way to interact with your data, but in case you want a typed access to your record
fields you can create a helper struct that embeds
(which implements the core.RecordProxy
interface) and define your collection fields as
getters and setters.
By implementing the core.RecordProxy
interface you can use your custom struct as part of a
result like a regular record model. In addition, every DB change through the proxy
struct will trigger the corresponding record validations and hooks. This ensures that other parts of your app,
including 3rd party plugins, that don't know or use your custom struct will still work as expected.
Below is a sample Article
record proxy implementation:
// article.go
package main
import (
// ensures that the Article struct satisfy the core.RecordProxy interface
var _ core.RecordProxy = (*Article)(nil)
type Article struct {
func (a *Article) Title() string {
return a.GetString("title")
func (a *Article) SetTitle(title string) {
a.Set("title", title)
func (a *Article) Slug() string {
return a.GetString("slug")
func (a *Article) SetSlug(slug string) {
a.Set("slug", slug)
func (a *Article) Created() types.DateTime {
return a.GetDateTime("created")
func (a *Article) Updated() types.DateTime {
return a.GetDateTime("updated")
Accessing and modifying the proxy records is the same as for the regular records. Continuing with the
above Article
func FindArticleBySlug(app core.App, slug string) (*Article, error) {
article := &Article{}
err := app.RecordQuery("articles").
AndWhere(dbx.NewExp("LOWER(slug)={:slug}", dbx.Params{
"slug": strings.ToLower(slug), // case insensitive match
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return article, nil
article, err := FindArticleBySlug(app, "example")
if err != nil {
return err
// change the title
article.SetTitle("Lorem ipsum...")
// persist the change while also triggering the original record validations and hooks
err = app.Save(article)
if err != nil {
return err
If you have an existing *core.Record
value you can also load it into your proxy using the
// fetch regular record
record, err := app.FindRecordById("articles", "RECORD_ID")
if err != nil {
return err
// load into proxy
article := &Article{}