A common task when creating custom routes or emails is the need of generating HTML output.

    There are plenty of Go template-engines available that you can use for this, but often for simple cases the Go standard library html/template package should work just fine.

    To make it slightly easier to load template files concurrently and on the fly, PocketBase also provides a thin wrapper around the standard library in the github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/tools/template utility package.

    import "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/tools/template" data := map[string]any{"name": "John"} html, err := template.NewRegistry().LoadFiles( "views/base.html", "views/partial1.html", "views/partial2.html", ).Render(data)

    The general flow when working with composed and nested templates is that you create "base" template(s) that defines various placeholders using the {{template "placeholderName" .}} or {{block "placeholderName" .}}default...{{end}} actions.

    Then in the partials, you define the content for those placeholders using the {{define "placeholderName"}}custom...{{end}} action.

    The dot object (.) in the above represents the data passed to the templates via the Render(data) method.

    By default the templates apply contextual (HTML, JS, CSS, URI) auto escaping so the generated template content should be injection-safe. To render raw/verbatim trusted content in the templates you can use the builtin raw function (e.g. {{.content|raw}}).

    For more information about the template syntax please refer to the html/template and text/template package godocs. Another great resource is also the Hashicorp's Learn Go Template Syntax tutorial.

    Consider the following app directory structure:

    myapp/ views/ layout.html hello.html main.go

    We define the content for layout.html as:

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>{{block "title" .}}Default app title{{end}}</title> </head> <body> Header... {{block "body" .}} Default app body... {{end}} Footer... </body> </html>

    We define the content for hello.html as:

    {{define "title"}} Page 1 {{end}} {{define "body"}} <p>Hello from {{.name}}</p> {{end}}

    Then to output the final page, we'll register a custom /hello/:name route:

    // main.go package main import ( "log" "net/http" "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase" "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/core" "github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/tools/template" ) func main() { app := pocketbase.New() app.OnServe().BindFunc(func(se *core.ServeEvent) error { // this is safe to be used by multiple goroutines // (it acts as store for the parsed templates) registry := template.NewRegistry() se.Router.GET("/hello/{name}", func(e *core.RequestEvent) error { name := e.Request.PathValue("name") html, err := registry.LoadFiles( "views/layout.html", "views/hello.html", ).Render(map[string]any{ "name": name, }) if err != nil { // or redirect to a dedicated 404 HTML page return e.NotFoundError("", err) } return e.HTML(http.StatusOK, html) }) return se.Next() }) if err := app.Start(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }