API Rules are your collection access controls and data filters.

    Each collection has 5 rules, corresponding to the specific API action:

    • listRule
    • viewRule
    • createRule
    • updateRule
    • deleteRule

    Auth collections has an additional options.manageRule used to allow one user (it could be even from a different collection) to be able to fully manage the data of another user (ex. changing their email, password, etc.).

    Each rule could be set to:

    • "locked" - aka. null, which means that the action could be performed only by an authorized superuser (this is the default)
    • Empty string - anyone will be able to perform the action (superusers, authorized users and guests)
    • Non-empty string - only users (authorized or not) that satisfy the rule filter expression will be able to perform this action

    PocketBase API Rules act also as records filter!
    Or in other words, you could for example allow listing only the "active" records of your collection, by using a simple filter expression such as: status = "active" (where "status" is a field defined in your Collection).

    Because of the above, the API will return 200 empty items response in case a request doesn't satisfy a listRule, 400 for unsatisfied createRule and 404 for unsatisfied viewRule, updateRule and deleteRule.
    All rules will return 403 in case they were "locked" (aka. superuser only) and the request client is not a superuser.

    The API Rules are ignored when the action is performed by an authorized superuser (superusers can access everything)!

    You can find information about the available fields in your collection API rules tab:

    Collection API Rules filters screenshot

    There is autocomplete to help you guide you while typing the rule filter expression, but in general you have access to 3 groups of fields:

    • Your Collection schema fields
      This includes all nested relation fields too, ex. someRelField.status != "pending"
    • @request.*
      Used to access the current request data, such as query parameters, body/form fields, authorized user state, etc.
      • @request.context - the context where the rule is used (ex. @request.context != "oauth2")
        The currently supported context values are default, oauth2, otp, password, realtime, protectedFile.
      • @request.method - the HTTP request method (ex. @request.method = "GET")
      • @request.headers.* - the request headers as string values (ex. @request.headers.x_token = "test")
        Note: All header keys are normalized to lowercase and "-" is replaced with "_" (for example "X-Token" is "x_token").
      • @request.query.* - the request query parameters as string values (ex. @request.query.page = "1")
      • @request.auth.* - the current authenticated model (ex. @request.auth.id != "")
      • @request.body.* - the submitted body parameters (ex. @request.body.title != "")
        Note: Uploaded files are not part of the @request.body because they are evaluated separately (this behavior may change in the future).
    • @collection.*

      This filter could be used to target other collections that are not directly related to the current one (aka. there is no relation field pointing to it) but both shares a common field value, like for example a category id:

      @collection.news.categoryId ?= categoryId && @collection.news.author ?= @request.auth.id

      In case you want to join the same collection multiple times but based on different criteria, you can define an alias by appending :alias suffix to the collection name.

      // see https://github.com/pocketbase/pocketbase/discussions/3805#discussioncomment-7634791 @request.auth.id != "" && @collection.courseRegistrations.user ?= id && @collection.courseRegistrations:auth.user ?= @request.auth.id && @collection.courseRegistrations.courseGroup ?= @collection.courseRegistrations:auth.courseGroup

    The syntax basically follows the format OPERAND OPERATOR OPERAND, where:

    • OPERAND - could be any field literal, string (single or double quoted), number, null, true, false
    • OPERATOR - is one of:
      • = Equal
      • != NOT equal
      • > Greater than
      • >= Greater than or equal
      • < Less than
      • <= Less than or equal
      • ~ Like/Contains (if not specified auto wraps the right string OPERAND in a "%" for wildcard match)
      • !~ NOT Like/Contains (if not specified auto wraps the right string OPERAND in a "%" for wildcard match)
      • ?= Any/At least one of Equal
      • ?!= Any/At least one of NOT equal
      • ?> Any/At least one of Greater than
      • ?>= Any/At least one of Greater than or equal
      • ?< Any/At least one of Less than
      • ?<= Any/At least one of Less than or equal
      • ?~ Any/At least one of Like/Contains (if not specified auto wraps the right string OPERAND in a "%" for wildcard match)
      • ?!~ Any/At least one of NOT Like/Contains (if not specified auto wraps the right string OPERAND in a "%" for wildcard match)

    To group and combine several expressions you can use parenthesis (...), && (AND) and || (OR) tokens.

    Single line comments are also supported: // Example comment.

    The following datetime macros are available and can be used as part of the filter expression:

    // all macros are UTC based @now - the current datetime as string @second - @now second number (0-59) @minute - @now minute number (0-59) @hour - @now hour number (0-23) @weekday - @now weekday number (0-6) @day - @now day number @month - @now month number @year - @now year number @yesterday - the yesterday datetime relative to @now as string @tomorrow - the tomorrow datetime relative to @now as string @todayStart - beginning of the current day as datetime string @todayEnd - end of the current day as datetime string @monthStart - beginning of the current month as datetime string @monthEnd - end of the current month as datetime string @yearStart - beginning of the current year as datetime string @yearEnd - end of the current year as datetime string

    For example:

    @request.body.publicDate >= @now

    The :isset field modifier is available only for the @request.* fields and can be used to check whether the client submitted a specific data with the request. Here is for example a rule that disallows changing a "role" field:

    @request.body.role:isset = false

    Note that @request.body.*:isset at the moment doesn't support checking for new uploaded files because they are evaluated separately and cannot be serialized (this behavior may change in the future).

    The :length field modifier could be used to check the number of items in an array field (multiple file, select, relation).
    Could be used with both the collection schema fields and the @request.body.* fields. For example:

    // check example submitted data: {"someSelectField": ["val1", "val2"]} @request.body.someSelectField:length > 1 // check existing record field length someRelationField:length = 2

    Note that @request.body.*:length at the moment doesn't support checking for new uploaded files because they are evaluated separately and cannot be serialized (this behavior may change in the future).

    The :each field modifier works only with multiple select, file and relation type fields. It could be used to apply a condition on each item from the field array. For example:

    // check if all submitted select options contain the "create" text @request.body.someSelectField:each ~ "create" // check if all existing someSelectField has "pb_" prefix someSelectField:each ~ "pb_%"

    Note that @request.body.*:each at the moment doesn't support checking for new uploaded files because they are evaluated separately and cannot be serialized (this behavior may change in the future).

    The :lower field modifier could be used to perform lower-case string comparisons. For example:

    // check if the submitted lower-cased body "title" field is equal to "test" ("Test", "tEsT", etc.) @request.body.title:lower = "test" // match existing records with lower-cased "title" equal to "test" ("Test", "tEsT", etc.) title:lower ~ "test"

    Under the hood it uses the SQLite LOWER scalar function and by default works only for ASCII characters, unless the ICU extension is loaded.

    • Allow only registered users:
      @request.auth.id != ""
    • Allow only registered users and return records that are either "active" or "pending":
      @request.auth.id != "" && (status = "active" || status = "pending")
    • Allow only registered users who are listed in an allowed_users multi-relation field value:
      @request.auth.id != "" && allowed_users.id ?= @request.auth.id
    • Allow access by anyone and return only the records where the title field value starts with "Lorem" (ex. "Lorem ipsum"):
      title ~ "Lorem%"