RecordOAuth2Login is an auth record OAuth2 login form.





  • Submit validates and submits the form.

    If an auth record doesn't exist, it will make an attempt to create it based on the fetched OAuth2 profile data via a local [RecordUpsert] form. You can intercept/modify the Record create form with [form.SetBeforeNewRecordCreateFunc()].

    You can also optionally provide a list of InterceptorFunc to further modify the form behavior before persisting it.

    On success returns the authorized record model and the fetched provider's data.


    Returns [models.Record, AuthUser]


code: string

The authorization code returned from the initial request.

codeVerifier: string

The optional PKCE code verifier as part of the code_challenge sent with the initial request.

createData: _TygojaDict

Additional data that will be used for creating a new auth record if an existing OAuth2 account doesn't exist.

provider: string

The name of the OAuth2 client provider (eg. "google")

redirectUrl: string

The redirect url sent with the initial request.

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