optAuthRecord: models.RecordSubmit validates and submits the form.
If an auth record doesn't exist, it will make an attempt to create it based on the fetched OAuth2 profile data via a local [RecordUpsert] form. You can intercept/modify the Record create form with [form.SetBeforeNewRecordCreateFunc()].
You can also optionally provide a list of InterceptorFunc to further modify the form behavior before persisting it.
On success returns the authorized record model and the fetched provider's data.
...interceptors: InterceptorFunc<RecordOAuth2LoginData>[]The authorization code returned from the initial request.
The optional PKCE code verifier as part of the code_challenge sent with the initial request.
Additional data that will be used for creating a new auth record if an existing OAuth2 account doesn't exist.
The name of the OAuth2 client provider (eg. "google")
The redirect url sent with the initial request.
Generated using TypeDoc
RecordOAuth2Login is an auth record OAuth2 login form.