CreateThumb creates a new thumb image for the file at originalKey location. The new thumb file is stored at thumbKey location.
thumbSize is in the format:
Checks if the provided dir prefix doesn't have any files.
A trailing slash will be appended to a non-empty dir string argument to ensure that the checked prefix is a "directory".
Returns "false" in case the has at least one file, otherwise - "true".
List returns a flat list with info for all files under the specified prefix.
Serve serves the file at fileKey location to an HTTP response.
If the download
query parameter is used the file will be always served for
download no matter of its type (aka. with "Content-Disposition: attachment").
Internally this method uses [http.ServeContent] so Range requests, If-Match, If-Unmodified-Since, etc. headers are handled transparently.
UploadFile uploads the provided File to the fileKey location.
UploadMultipart uploads the provided multipart file to the fileKey location.
Generated using TypeDoc
Attributes returns the attributes for the file with fileKey path.
If the file doesn't exist it returns ErrNotFound.