Deprecated: It was previously used as part of the record create action but it is not needed anymore and will be removed in the future.
DrySubmit performs a temp form submit within a transaction and reverts it at the end.
For actual record persistence, check the [RecordUpsert.Submit()] method.
This method doesn't perform validations, handle file uploads/deletes or trigger app save events!
GrantManagerAccess updates the form access level to "manager" allowing
directly changing some system record fields (often used with auth collection records).
Returns void
grantSuperuserAccess(): void
GrantSuperuserAccess updates the form access level to "superuser" allowing
directly changing all system record fields, including those marked as "Hidden".
Returns void
hasManageAccess(): boolean
HasManageAccess reports whether the form has "manager" or "superuser" level access.
Returns boolean
load(data): void
Load loads the provided data into the form and the related record.
Deprecated: It was previously used as part of the record create action but it is not needed anymore and will be removed in the future.
DrySubmit performs a temp form submit within a transaction and reverts it at the end. For actual record persistence, check the [RecordUpsert.Submit()] method.
This method doesn't perform validations, handle file uploads/deletes or trigger app save events!