Event specifies based Route handler event that is usually intended to be embedded as part of a custom event struct.

NB! It is expected that the Response and Request fields are always set.



  • BindBody unmarshal the request body into the provided dst.

    dst must be either a struct pointer or map[string]any.

    The rules how the body will be scanned depends on the request Content-Type.

    Currently the following Content-Types are supported:

      - application/json
    - text/xml, application/xml
    - multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Respectively the following struct tags are supported (again, which one will be used depends on the Content-Type):

      - "json" (json body)- uses the builtin Go json package for unmarshaling.
    - "xml" (xml body) - uses the builtin Go xml package for unmarshaling.
    - "form" (form data) - utilizes the custom [router.UnmarshalRequestData] method.

    NB! When dst is a struct make sure that it doesn't have public fields that shouldn't be bindable and it is advisible such fields to be unexported or have a separate struct just for the binding. For example:

     data := struct{
    somethingPrivate string

    Title string `json:"title" form:"title"`
    Total int `json:"total" form:"total"`
    err := e.BindBody(&data)


    • dst: any

    Returns void

  • Blob writes a blob (bytes slice) response.


    • status: number
    • contentType: string
    • b: string | number[]

    Returns void

  • FileFS serves the specified filename from fsys.

    It is similar to [echo.FileFS] for consistency with earlier versions.


    • fsys: FS
    • filename: string

    Returns void

  • FindUploadedFiles extracts all form files of "key" from a http request and returns a slice with filesystem.File instances (if any).


    • key: string

    Returns filesystem.File[]

  • Flush flushes buffered data to the current response.

    Returns [http.ErrNotSupported] if e.Response doesn't implement the [http.Flusher] interface (all router package handlers receives a ResponseWritter that implements it unless explicitly replaced with a custom one).

    Returns void

  • Get retrieves single value from the current event data store.


    • key: string

    Returns any

  • HTML writes an HTML response.


    • status: number
    • data: string

    Returns void

  • IsTLS reports whether the connection on which the request was received is TLS.

    Returns boolean

  • JSON writes a JSON response.

    It also provides a generic response data fields picker if the "fields" query parameter is set.


    • status: number
    • data: any

    Returns void

  • Next calls the next hook handler.

    Returns void

  • NoContent writes a response with no body (ex. 204).


    • status: number

    Returns void

  • Redirect writes a redirect response to the specified url. The status code must be in between 300 – 399 range.


    • status: number
    • url: string

    Returns void

  • RemoteIP returns the IP address of the client that sent the request.

    IPv6 addresses are returned expanded. For example, "2001:db8::1" becomes "2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001".

    Note that if you are behind reverse proxy(ies), this method returns the IP of the last connecting proxy.

    Returns string

  • Set saves single value into the current event data store.


    • key: string
    • value: any

    Returns void

  • SetAll saves all items from m into the current event data store.


    Returns void

  • SetCookie is an alias for [http.SetCookie].

    SetCookie adds a Set-Cookie header to the current response's headers. The provided cookie must have a valid Name. Invalid cookies may be silently dropped.


    Returns void

  • Status reports the status code of the current response.

    This method always returns 0 if e.Response doesn't implement the StatusTracker interface (all router package handlers receives a ResponseWritter that implements it unless explicitly replaced with a custom one).

    Returns number

  • Stream streams the specified reader into the response.


    • status: number
    • contentType: string
    • reader: io.Reader

    Returns void

  • String writes a plain string response.


    • status: number
    • data: string

    Returns void

  • Written reports whether the current response has already been written.

    This method always returns false if e.ResponseWritter doesn't implement the WriteTracker interface (all router package handlers receives a ResponseWritter that implements it unless explicitly replaced with a custom one).

    Returns boolean

  • XML writes an XML response. It automatically prepends the generic [xml.Header] string to the response.


    • status: number
    • data: any

    Returns void


request?: Request
response: ResponseWriter

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