All executes the SQL statement and populates all the resulting rows into a slice of struct or NullStringMap. The slice must be given as a pointer. Each slice element must be either a struct or a NullStringMap. Refer to Rows.ScanStruct() and Rows.ScanMap() for more details on how each slice element can be. If the query returns no row, the slice will be an empty slice (not nil).
One executes the SQL statement and populates the first row of the result into a struct or NullStringMap. Refer to Rows.ScanStruct() and Rows.ScanMap() for more details on how to specify the variable to be populated. Note that when the query has no rows in the result set, an sql.ErrNoRows will be returned.
Row executes the SQL statement and populates the first row of the result into a list of variables. Note that the number of the variables should match to that of the columns in the query result. Note that when the query has no rows in the result set, an sql.ErrNoRows will be returned.
...a: {}[]WithOneHook associates the provided hook function with the query, called on q.All(), allowing you to implement custom slice scan based on the All() argument and/or result.
WithExecHook associates the provided exec hook function with the query.
It is called for every Query resolver (Execute(), One(), All(), Row(), Column()), allowing you to implement auto fail/retry or any other additional handling.
WithOneHook associates the provided hook function with the query, called on q.One(), allowing you to implement custom struct scan based on the One() argument and/or result.
ExecLogFunc is called each time when a SQL statement is executed.
FieldMapper maps struct field names to DB column names.
LastError contains the last error (if any) of the query. LastError is cleared by Execute(), Row(), Rows(), One(), and All().
LogFunc is used to log the SQL statement being executed.
PerfFunc is used to log the SQL execution time. It is ignored if nil. Deprecated: Please use QueryLogFunc and ExecLogFunc instead.
QueryLogFunc is called each time when performing a SQL query that returns data.
Generated using TypeDoc
Query represents a SQL statement to be executed.