IsNew indicates what type of db query (insert or update) should be used with the model instance.
LastSavedPK returns the last saved primary key of the model.
Its value is updated to the latest PK value after MarkAsNotNew() or PostScan() calls.
MarkAsNew clears the pk field and marks the current model as "new" (aka. forces m.IsNew() to be true).
MarkAsNew set the pk field to the Id value and marks the current model as NOT "new" (aka. forces m.IsNew() to be false).
PostScan implements the [dbx.PostScanner] interface.
It is usually executed right after the model is populated with the db row values.
Id is the primary key of the model. It is usually autogenerated by the parent model implementation.
Generated using TypeDoc
IsNew indicates what type of db query (insert or update) should be used with the model instance.