ColumnType implements [Field.ColumnType] interface method.
FindSetter implements [SetterFinder] interface method.
ValidateSettings implements [Field.ValidateSettings] interface method.
CascadeDelete indicates whether the root model should be deleted in case of delete of all linked relations.
CollectionId is the id of the related collection.
Hidden hides the field from the API response.
Id is the unique stable field identifier.
It is automatically generated from the name when adding to a collection FieldsList.
MaxSelect indicates the max number of allowed relation records that could be linked to the main model.
For multiple select the value must be > 1, otherwise fallbacks to single (default).
If MinSelect is set, MaxSelect must be at least >= MinSelect.
MinSelect indicates the min number of allowed relation records that could be linked to the main model.
No min limit is applied if it is zero or negative value.
Name (required) is the unique name of the field.
Presentable hints the Dashboard UI to use the underlying field record value in the relation preview label.
Required will require the field value to be non-empty.
System prevents the renaming and removal of the field.
Generated using TypeDoc
RelationField defines "relation" type field for storing single or multiple collection record references.
Requires the CollectionId option to be set.
If MaxSelect is not set or <= 1, then the field value is expected to be a single record id.
If MaxSelect is > 1, then the field value is expected to be a slice of record ids.
The respective zero record field value is either empty string (single) or empty string slice (multiple).
The following additional setter keys are available: